A Kora by Moonlight

It only took about an hour from Kuumba discovering this mystical musical instrument and becoming a master of it. The locals gather round as he warms up a bit and prepares for another virtuoso performance.

The Kora is a centuries-old West African instrument. This is a followup to my previous post where I wrote a bit more about it.

Tech Notes

This was supposed to be a simple project. I just wanted to put the Kora I’d modeled using Blender into context. And who better to do that than our man Kuumba? But something happened. Things started to grow. I didn’t want him playing in a blank void so I added a background using an HDRI image of a courtyard with stucco buildings.

Sitting and playing in that large courtyard by himself left Kuumba pretty lonely, so I decided to add some people to the mix. I’ve been having some real fun lately using a scattering add-on called Gscatter (Its a freebie). There are total of 7 unique figures in the video but by using the scattering technique and some clever texturing there appears to be a large crowd.

I used various nodes in the compositor to simulate depth with blurring and atmosphere and, finally, brought the rendered video into Davinci Resolve (a free video editing program) to add titles and music.

I hope you get a kick out of it. I certainly did while making it.
Created by Humans for Humans using blender3D

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